以文本方式查看主題 - 曙海教育集團論壇 (http://www.xinguifushi.cn/bbs/index.asp) -- 嵌入式硬件技術討論專區 (http://www.xinguifushi.cn/bbs/list.asp?boardid=15) ---- 嵌入式LINUX系統硬件開發平臺 (http://www.xinguifushi.cn/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=15&id=1483) |
-- 作者:wangxinxin -- 發布時間:2010-11-19 9:17:38 -- 嵌入式LINUX系統硬件開發平臺 摘要 嵌入式系統的硬件開發要求設計者對硬件資源非常熟悉,并能針對項目中的具體應用,綜合考慮系統需求、性能指標、成本等多方面因素,進行總體規劃,從而得出已有條件下的最佳方案。文中嵌入式系統的設計具體涉及到CPU的選型及內存、Flash和外圍接口的確定等內容[1]。 關鍵詞 嵌入式LINUX;開發平臺;選擇;外圍接口 中圖分類號:TP316 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1671-489X(2009)09-0090-02 Embedded LINUX System Hardware Development Platform//Li Meiju Abstract The embedded system hardware development requests the designer to be extremely familiar to the hardware resources, And can aim at in the project the concrete application, the overall evaluation system demand, the performance index, the cost and so on the various factor, carries on the overall plan, thus obtains had under the condition preferred plan. This embedded system design involves specifically to the CPU shaping and the memory, Flash and the periphery connection indeed grades content. Key words embedded LINUX;development platform;choose;the periphery connection Author’s address Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, Shandong 266061 1 微處理器的選擇 所有硬件選擇中,最關鍵的就是嵌入式處理器的定型,因為它決定了整個系統的基本性能和其他外圍硬件的選用。 |