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-- 作者:wangxinxin -- 發布時間:2010-11-16 11:38:43 -- 測試微軟Wince的拷屏代碼Code :) #region By v-gayang for VisualDiff
/// <summary> /// Alert This folder already contain a folder called folder name /// Clew InformationDo: you really want to replace the older folder with the new folder? /// </summary> /// <returns>LogResult.Pass on success</returns> [TestCaseAttribute("Verify the Beam and Send Menu items are enabled when a file is selected", Type = TestType.VisualDiff)] [MobileDevicesDescriptor ( Product = Products.SmartPhone) ] public Log.LogResult VerifyFolderAndReplaceFolder() { Log.LogResult result = Log.LogResult.Pass; Utils.GlobalLogger.AddComment("Go to my documents"); FEAreaLib.Instance.GoToMyDocuments(); //Navigate to the root directory Utils.GlobalLogger.AddComment("Go to the root directory"); FEAreaLib.Instance.GoUpOneDirectory(); // Add a new name "abc" folder this.GoToFolder(true); this.CreateNewFileFolder(); //Navigate to the \\temp Utils.GlobalLogger.AddComment("Go to the root temp directory"); FEAreaLib.Instance.GoToMyDocuments(); FEAreaLib.Instance.GoUpOneDirectory(); FEAreaLib.Instance.ClickOn(tempPath); // Add a new name "abc" folder this.OpinionRepeatFolder(true); this.CreateNewFileFolder(); // Copy one Folder string abc="abc"; this.CopyFileOrFolder(abc); // Paste one Folder FEAreaLib.Instance.GoToMyDocuments(); FEAreaLib.Instance.GoUpOneDirectory(); this.PasteFileOrFolder(); //snap for the Alert Utils.GlobalLogger.AddComment("snap for Register: Do you really want to replace the older folder with the new folder?"); this.ssc.Capture("FileExplorer_PasteFolder_already_contain_Alert"); return result; } /// <summary> /// Alert A File name "<name>" already exist. /// Replace the exiting file "date" and "time" with this one . /// </summary> /// <returns>LogResult.Pass on success</returns> [TestCaseAttribute("Verify Alert A File name \'name\' already exist.", Type = TestType.VisualDiff)] [MobileDevicesDescriptor ( Product = Products.SmartPhone) ] public Log.LogResult VerifyFileAndReplaceFile() { Log.LogResult result = Log.LogResult.Pass; Utils.GlobalLogger.AddComment("Go to my documents"); FEAreaLib.Instance.GoToMyDocuments(); //Navigate to the My Picture folder Utils.GlobalLogger.AddComment("Go to the My Picture folder"); FEAreaLib.Instance.GoToMyPictures(); //Highlight the "flower" file Utils.GlobalLogger.AddComment("highlight the waterfall"); FEAreaLib.Instance.KBNavigateTo("flower.jpg"); // Copy a name "picture" file this.GoToFile(true); this.CopyFileOrFolder(this.picturePath + @"\\flower.jpg"); // A layer of catalogues on carriage return Utils.GlobalLogger.AddComment("A layer of catalogues on carriage return "); FEAreaLib.Instance.GoUpOneDirectory(); // Paste a File Utils.GlobalLogger.AddComment("Paste a file"); this.PasteFileOrFolder(); //snap for the Alert or the first time Utils.GlobalLogger.AddComment("snap for Register: Paste a flower file Replace the exiting file <date> and <time>"); this.ssc.Capture("FileExplorer_PasteFile_or_the_first_time_Alert"); // Paste a File Utils.GlobalLogger.AddComment("Paste an existing file "); this.PasteFileOrFolder(); //snap for the Alert Utils.GlobalLogger.AddComment("snap for Register: Do you really want to replace the older file with the new file?"); this.ssc.Capture("FileExplorer_PasteFile_already_contain_date_and_time_Alert"); return result; } #endregion #endregion #region Private Data // Add any private data/vars used by your tests here. private VisualDiff.SnapShotCreator ssc=null; #endregion #region Utility Functions private void CleanFolder(string dir) { if(Directory.Exists(dir)) { Directory.Delete(dir, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } private void GoToTestFolder(bool clean) { if(clean) { CleanFolder(this.testPath); } FEAreaLib.Instance.GoToMyDocuments(); FEAreaLib.Instance.ClickOn(testDirectory); } private void GoToFolder(bool clean) { if(clean) { CleanFolder(this.folderPath); } FEAreaLib.Instance.GoToMyDocuments(); FEAreaLib.Instance.GoUpOneDirectory(); // FEAreaLib.Instance.ClickOn(abcDirectory); } private void OpinionRepeatFolder(bool clean) { if(clean) { CleanFolder(this.tempPath); } } private void GoToFile(bool awardentityfile ) { if(awardentityfile) { this.CopyFileOrFolder(this.picturePath + @"\\flower.jpg"); } else { FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(this.picturePath + @"\\flower.jpg"); fs.Close(); this.CopyFileOrFolder(this.picturePath + @"\\flower.jpg"); } } #region Create NewFile Folder /// <summary> /// Create NewFile Folder /// </summary> private void CreateNewFileFolder() { try { //press sk2.menu Utils.GlobalLogger.AddComment("Press SK2 Menu"); Mtk.Softkeys.Current.PressSoftKey(Mtk.Softkeys.SoftKey.Right); // press 3 for edit Utils.GlobalLogger.AddComment("press 3 for edit"); Mtk.Smartphone.KeyPad.Press(3); //press 6 for new folder Utils.GlobalLogger.AddComment("press 6 for new folder"); Mtk.Smartphone.KeyPad.Press(6); //Press action button : Create New FileFolder Utils.GlobalLogger.AddComment("Press action button Create New FileFolder"); Mtk.Smartphone.KeyPad.Press(Mtk.KeyPad.Key.Action); //rename to New Folder Utils.GlobalLogger.AddComment("rename to abc"); FEAreaLib.Instance.Rename("abc"); //Press Action Button Utils.GlobalLogger.AddComment("Press Action Button"); Mtk.Smartphone.KeyPad.Press(Mtk.KeyPad.Key.Action); } catch { Utils.GlobalLogger.AddComment("Fail: Folder Create"); } finally { GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } } #endregion #region Copy a File or Folder /// <summary> /// Copy one Folder /// </summary> private void CopyFileOrFolder(string abc) { try { //press sk2.menu FEAreaLib.Instance.ClickOn(abc); Utils.GlobalLogger.AddComment("Press SK2 Menu"); Mtk.Softkeys.Current.PressSoftKey(Mtk.Softkeys.SoftKey.Right); // press 3 for edit Utils.GlobalLogger.AddComment("press 3 for edit"); Mtk.Smartphone.KeyPad.Press(3); //press 2 for copy folder Utils.GlobalLogger.AddComment("press 2 for new copy "); Mtk.Smartphone.KeyPad.Press(Mtk.KeyPad.Key.D2); |