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計算機編程 : 13.53 Gb
  ATL,COM,COM+,DCOM : 63.83 MB, ..1%
  C++,STL     : 756.30 MB, 5%
  C++Builder  : 496.04 MB, 4%
  Delphi      : 1.21 Gb, 9%
  Enterprise Development : 158.82 MB, 1%
  Java        : 3.90 Gb, 29%
  MS.NET      : 2.34 Gb, 17%
  Visual C++,MFC : 706.37 MB, 5%
  Visual FoxPro : 372.98 MB, 3%
  操作系統    : 28.48 MB, ..1%
  傳記,企業文化 : 108.55 MB, ..1%
  破解,黑客   : 186.59 MB, 1%
  其它        : 70.46 MB, ..1%
  軟件工程,設計模式,類庫設計,面向對象,組件編程,UML : 694.70 MB, 5%
  數據結構,算法,人工智能 : 106.10 MB, ..1%
  數據庫      : 1.15 Gb, 9%
  圖形編程,游戲編程,DirectX,OpenGL : 475.50 MB, 3%
  網絡編程,TCPIP : 294.94 MB, 2%
  網頁編程,HTML,JavaScript : 168.91 MB, 1%
  系統編程    : 359.73 MB, 3%



Directory tree for F:\Books\計算機編程
計算機編程 : 13.53 Gb
  ATL,COM,COM+,DCOM : 63.83 MB, ..1%
  C++,STL     : 756.30 MB, 5%
  C++Builder  : 496.04 MB, 4%
  Delphi      : 1.21 Gb, 9%
  Enterprise Development : 158.82 MB, 1%
  Java        : 3.90 Gb, 29%
  MS.NET      : 2.34 Gb, 17%
  Visual C++,MFC : 706.37 MB, 5%
  Visual FoxPro : 372.98 MB, 3%
  操作系統    : 28.48 MB, ..1%
  傳記,企業文化 : 108.55 MB, ..1%
  破解,黑客   : 186.59 MB, 1%
  其它        : 70.46 MB, ..1%
  軟件工程,設計模式,類庫設計,面向對象,組件編程,UML : 694.70 MB, 5%
  數據結構,算法,人工智能 : 106.10 MB, ..1%
  數據庫      : 1.15 Gb, 9%
  圖形編程,游戲編程,DirectX,OpenGL : 475.50 MB, 3%
  網絡編程,TCPIP : 294.94 MB, 2%
  網頁編程,HTML,JavaScript : 168.91 MB, 1%
  系統編程    : 359.73 MB, 3%

│  │  COM本質論(簡體).pdf
│  │  Dr. GUI on Components, COM, and ATL.CHM
│  │  Inside_ATL.chm
│  │  Inside_COM+_SourceCode.zip
│  │  《From CPP to COM》(英文).chm
│  │  
│  ├─COM與COM+從入門到精通
│  ├─COM技術內幕
│  ├─COM技術內幕配書源碼  
│  ├─Inside_ATL         
│  ├─《COM本質論》(侯捷)例子程序以及程序說明
│  └─《Inside Com》電子版以及書中的例子程序
│  │  (ebook - german) Visual C++ .NET in 21 Tagen [Sams, Davis Chapman].pdf
│  │  (ebook - PDF) Visual C++ for Dummies Quick Reference.pdf
│  │  (ebook pdf) Thinking in C++ Second Edition v2.pdf
│  │  (ebook_pdf) Addison-Wesley - Designing Components with the C++ STL (3rd, electronic edition 2002).pdf
│  │  Addison Wesley - C++  By Dissection.pdf
│  │  Addison Wesley - C++ In Action - Industrial-strength Programming Techniques - 2001 - (By Laxxuss).pdf
│  │  Addison Wesley - C++ Primer, Third Edition.chm
│  │  Addison Wesley - C++ Programming with the Standard Template Library, Tutorial and Reference Guide.pdf
│  │  Addison Wesley - C++ Templates - The Complete Guide.chm
│  │  Addison Wesley - Effective C++ 2ed and More Effective C++ - 1999 - (By Laxxuss).iso
│  │  Addison Wesley - Efficient C++ Programming Techniques.pdf
│  │  Addison Wesley - Exceptional C++.pdf
│  │  Addison Wesley - Modern C++ Design. Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied.pdf
│  │  Addison Wesley - More Exceptional C++.chm
│  │  Addison Wesley - More Exceptional C++.pdf
│  │  Addison Wesley - The Design and Evolution of C++.pdf
│  │  Addison-Wesley - Meyers - More Effective C++, Thirty-Five New Ways to Improve Your Programs & Designs, 1st Edition.pdf
│  │  Addison.Wesley.-.The.C++.Standard.Library,.A.Tutorial.and.Reference.pdf
│  │  Algorithms and Data Structures in C++ 1993.pdf
│  │  AW - Effective STL.pdf
│  │  Bjarne Stroustrup - The C++ Programming Language 3rd Ed.pdf
│  │  C Traps and Pitfalls.pdf
│  │  C++ - Data Structures And Algorithms With Object-oriented Design Patterns In C++.chm
│  │  C++ - The STL - A Tutorial And Reference.chm
│  │  C++ Demystified - A Self-Teaching Guide.chm
│  │  C++ for Artists- The Art, Philosophy, and Science of Object-Oriented Programming.chm
│  │  C++ Network Programming Vol I.chm
│  │  C++ Network Programming Volume I - Mastering Complexity with ACE and Patterns.pdf
│  │  C++ Network Programming, Volume 2, Systematic Reuse with ACE and Frameworks.chm
│  │  C++ Primer 3rd Edition 中文完美版.pdf
│  │  C++ Primer Plus, Fourth Edition.chm
│  │  C++ Templates - The Complete Guide.pdf
│  │  C++ Templates 完全導引.pdf
│  │  C++ 語言大全.PDF
│  │  C++.Templates.-.The.Complete.Guide.(Addison.Wesley-2002).chm
│  │  C++Primer.pdf
│  │  C++Primer題解.pdf
│  │  C++沉思錄.pdf
│  │  C++編程規范.ppt
│  │  c++語言命令詳解.pdf
│  │  Core C++ A Software Engineering Approach.pdf
│  │  Designing Components with the C++ STL-3rd, electronic edition 2002.pdf
│  │  Douglas C. Schmidt - The Reactor Design Pattern.pdf
│  │  eBook - Matlab - C++ Math Library.pdf
│  │  ebook_c++.unleashed.sharereactor.pdf
│  │  Effective 2E and More Effective C++ - 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Design.chm
│  │  Effective and More  c++.pdf
│  │  Effective C++ 85 Ways To Improve Your Programs & Design.rar
│  │  Effective STL-revised.pdf
│  │  effective&more effective c++.chm
│  │  effectiveC++.chm
│  │  Essential C++中文版.pdf
│  │  Exceptional C++ (Addison-Wesley, 1999).chm
│  │  Exceptional C++中文版(draft).pdf
│  │  Inside the C++ Object Model.chm
│  │  Johannes Weidl - The Standard Template Library (Stl) Tutorial.pdf
│  │  Jones and Bartlett  - Foundations of Algorithms Using C++ Pseudocode, 3rd Ed - 2003 - (By Laxxuss).chm
│  │  McGraw-Hill - Theory and Problems of Programming with C++ (Schaum's Outline, OCR) - 1996 - (By Laxxuss).pdf
│  │  Modern C++ Design - Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied.chm
│  │  Modern C++ Design Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied.pdf
│  │  Modern C++ Design(Alexandrescu)(RUS).pdf
│  │  More Effective C++(WQ版).doc
│  │  O'Reilly - Practical C++ Programming.pdf
│  │  O'Reilly - Programming with Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 6th Edition.chm
│  │  Object Oriented Design with Java, C++ and UML.pdf
│  │  Patterns, Models, and Application Development - A C++ Programmer's Reference.pdf
│  │  Pearson - Navigating C++ and Object-Oriented Design.chm
│  │  Prentice hall - C++. A Dialog Programming with the C++ Standard Library.chm
│  │  Prentice Hall - Data Structures And Program Design In C.pdf
│  │  Prentice Hall - Industrial Strength C++ - 1997 - (By Laxxuss).pdf
│  │  Prentice Hall - Thinking in C++ 2nd Edition.chm
│  │  Sams - C++ Primer Plus, 4th Edition.pdf
│  │  Sams - Waite Group's Object-Oriented Programming in C++, 3rd Ed.chm
│  │  sams_teach_yourself_database_programming_with_visual_c++_6_in_21_days2(1).pdf
│  │  Standard Template Library Programmer's Guide (STL).chm
│  │  STL C++ - Standard Template Library (SOURCE + COMPLETE html man document) - tutorial [shared by AESIS].zip
│  │  STL源碼剖析.pdf
│  │  Sybex - Mastering Windows 2000 Programming with Visual C++.pdf
│  │  Teach Yourself Visual C++ 6 in 21 days.pdf
│  │  Thinking In C++ - 2nd Ed. - Vol 1.pdf
│  │  using visual c++ 6 special edition.pdf
│  │  [eBook] O'Reilly - Practical C++ Programming (2002).chm
│  │  [eBook] Prentice Hall - C++ GUI Programming with Qt3 (2004).chm
│  │  學習c++應該看的書.txt
│  │  高質量C++編程.PDF
│  │  
│  ├─C++ Templates 完全導引范例
│  ├─C++Primer第三版中文版
│  ├─c++程序設計教程-錢能
│  │  ├─c++程序設計教程-錢能            
│  │  ├─c++程序設計教程-錢能(參考)
│  ├─C++編程思想
│  ├─C++語言程序設計
│  ├─C++面向對象高效編程
│  ├─C++高級參考手冊
│  ├─The C++ Programming Language 3rd Ed
│  ├─_The C++ Programming Langunge
│  └─數據結構算法與應用-C++語言描述
│  │  BCB6深度歷險代碼.rar
│  │  bcb6界面實例開發.pdf
│  │  C++ Builder 5 開發人員指南.pdf
│  │  C++ Builder 6 Developer's Guide.pdf
│  │  C++Builder核心編程技術.WDL
│  │  C++Builder自學培訓教程.wdl
│  │  C++Builder高級編程技術.WDL
│  │  水木清華BBS-C++Builder.RAR
│  │  
│  ├─Borland C++ Builder Unleashed
│  ├─C++ Builder 4高級編程實例精解  
│  ├─C++ Builder 5編程實例與技巧
│  ├─C++Builder5程序設計大全原碼            
│  ├─C++Builder學習大全        
│  ├─C++Builder學習大全中文版
│  ├─C++BUILDER實戰
│  ├─C++Builder講座        
│  ├─CppBuilder5編程實例與技巧
│  ├─C_Builder_5編程實例與技巧
│  └─_C++Builder組件大全

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