然后,Greg Kroah-Hartman肯定了Android這樣做的積極意義: “Android also solves the problem that the phone manufacturers had been having for many years: a free version of Java and a unified application layer that programmers can write to that will work on all phone platforms that integrate it. 它解決了長期令手機制造商頭痛不已的問題:業界缺乏一個開源的Java虛擬機,以及統一的應用程序接口。現在,程序員只要寫一次程序,就能在各種手機硬件平臺之上使用。”
“…any drivers written for Android hardware platforms, can not get merged into the main kernel tree because they have dependencies on code that only lives in Google’s kernel tree, causing it to fail to build in the kernel.org tree. 所有為Android寫的硬件驅動,都不能合并入kernel。因為它們只在Google的代碼里有效,在kernel里根本沒法用。 Because of this, Google has now prevented a large chunk of hardware drivers and platform code from ever getting merged into the main kernel tree. Effectively creating a kernel branch that a number of different vendors are now relying on. 由于這個原因,Google也從不把大量的硬件驅動程序和平臺源碼向kernel提交。實際上,它創造出了一個kernel的分支,大量的開發者都依賴那個分支。”
“I really don’t know. Google shows no sign of working to get their code upstream anymore. 我真的不知道未來。Google看上去沒有任何改變代碼的跡象。 I do hold out hope that Google does come around and works to fix their codebase to get it merged upstream to stop the huge blockage that they have now caused in a large number of embedded Linux hardware companies. 我確實希望Google做出改變,把它的代碼合并進我們的代碼,彌補已經出現的代碼分裂。
I’ve privately offered in the past to help this work get done, and am doing again here publicly. But I need the help of the Google developers to make it happen, without them, nothing can change. 我私底下已經說過,我愿意幫助完成這項工作,在這里我再次公開這樣說。但是如果沒有Google程序員的加入,什么也不會發生。”