LED 驅動芯片的動態響應特性經常被忽略,但卻是相當重要的一個特性。動態響應影響LED顯示屏的影像質量,如灰階、線性度、EMI、信賴性。雖然這些特性彼此間有取舍關系.但是好的驅動芯片應該能夠在這些特性中取得較佳的平衡。本文將探討動態響應的重要性及LED驅動芯片與電路板設計技術,以協助工程師設計出影像質量良好的顯示屏。標 簽 驅動器 交流響應:突破 driver AC respanse overshoot
AC responses of LED drivers are critical but usually ignored in LED display applications.AC responses affect the major performance of LED display panels,such as grayscales, linearity, EMI, and reliability. Although there is trade-off w ithin these requirements, LED drivers can provide balance.This article will further explain the importance of the AC responses of LED drivers and PCB design techniques to help engineers to design LED panels with good grayscale images