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      Synopsys Formality 培訓班

        ◆ 電路系統的基本概念。

   班級規模及環境--熱線:4008699035 手機:15921673576/13918613812( 微信同號)
上課地點:【上海】:同濟大學(滬西)/新城金郡商務樓(11號線白銀路站) 【深圳分部】:電影大廈(地鐵一號線大劇院站)/深圳大學成教院 【北京分部】:北京中山/福鑫大樓 【南京分部】:金港大廈(和燕路) 【武漢分部】:佳源大廈(高新二路) 【成都分部】:領館區1號(中和大道) 【沈陽分部】:沈陽理工大學/六宅臻品 【鄭州分部】:鄭州大學/錦華大廈 【石家莊分部】:河北科技大學/瑞景大廈 【廣州分部】:廣糧大廈 【西安分部】:協同大廈
Synopsys Formality 培訓班:2025年3月24日............................





   曙 海 新 優 惠

        3、培訓合格學員可享受免費推薦就業機會。 。專注高端培訓17年,曙海提供的課程得到本行業的廣泛認可,學員的能力得到大家的認同,受到用人單位的廣泛贊譽。

       Synopsys 軟件培訓班(上)
第一階段 Synopsys Formality
This eight-day workshop covers, via lecture and lab, the basics of formal verification. On the first day, students will apply a formal verification flow for:
  • Verifying a design
  • Debugging a failed design
On the second day, students will apply an extended flow in order to:
  • Optimize Formality for common hardware design transformations
  • Increase debugging capability through techniques such as pattern analysis
  • Maximize verification performance
At the end of this workshop the student should be able to:
  • Describe where Formality fits in the design flow
  • Read a reference design and the libraries for that design into Formality
  • Read a revised design and the libraries for that design into Formality
  • Set up for verification interactively and with scripts
  • Handle common design transformations for easiest verification
  • Guide Formality in matching names between two designs
  • Verify that two designs are equivalent
  • Debug designs proven not to be equivalent
  • Optimize reads, compare point matching and verification
Audience Profile
Design or Verification engineers who understand traditional functional verification methods, and who want to perform verification more quickly, without using vectors.
Knowledge of digital logic.
Course Outline
  • Introduction
  • Controlling Formality
  • Setting up and running Formality
  • Debugging designs proved not equivalent
  • Design transformations and their effect on equivalence checking
  • Advanced debugging
  • Maximizing performance
第二階段 Synopsys Prime Time 1
This workshop shows you how to maximize your productivity when using PrimeTime. You will validate and enhance run scripts, quickly identify and debug your design violations by generating and interpreting timing reports, remove pessimism with path-based analysis, and generate ECO fixing guidance to downstream tools.
Topics include:
  • Preparing for STA on your design, including investigating and analyzing the clocks that dictate STA results
  • Validating inherited PrimeTime run scripts
  • Leveraging the latest PrimeTime best practices to create new run scripts
  • Identifying opportunities to improve run time
  • Performing static timing analysis
  • Providing ECO fixing guidance to downstream tools
At the end of this workshop the student should be able to:
  • Interpret the essential details in a timing report for setup and hold, recovery and removal, and clock-gating setup and hold
  • Generate timing reports for specific paths and with specific details
  • Generate summary reports of the design violations organized by clock, slack, or by timing check
  • Validate, confirm, debug, enhance, and execute a PrimeTime run script
  • Create a PrimeTime run script based on seed scripts from the RMgen utility
  • Identify opportunities to improve run time
  • Create a saved session and subsequently restore the saved session
  • Identify the clocks, where they are defined, and which ones interact on an unfamiliar design
  • Reduce pessimism using path-based analysis
  • Use both a broad automatic flow for fixing setup and hold violations and a manual flow for tackling individual problem paths.
Audience Profile
Design or verification engineers who perform STA using PrimeTime.
To benefit the most from the material presented in this workshop, students should have:
  • A basic understanding of digital IC design
  • Familiarity with UNIX workstations running X-windows
  • Familiarity with vi, emacs, or other UNIX text editors
Course Outline
  • Does your design meet timing?
  • Objects, Attributes, Collections
  • Constraints in a timing report
  • Timing arcs in a timing report
  • Control which paths are reported
  • Summary Reports
  • Create a setup file and run script
  • Getting to know your clocks
  • Analysis types and back annotation
  • Additional checks and constraints
  • Path-Based Analysis and ECO Flow
  • Emerging Technologies and Conclusion
第三階段 Synopsys Prime Time 2
PrimeTime: Debugging Constraints
This workshop addresses the most time-consuming part of static timing analysis: debugging constraints. The workshop provides a method to identify potential timing problems, identify the cause, and determine the effects of these problems. Armed with this information, students will now be able to confirm that constraints are correct or, if incorrect, will have sufficient information to correct the problem.
Incorrect STA constraints must be identified because they obscure real timing violations and can cause two problems: either the real violations are missed and not reported or violations are reported that are not real, making it difficult to find the real violations hidden among them.
At the end of this workshop the student should be able to:
  • Pinpoint the cause and determine the effects of check_timing and report_analysis_coverage warnings
  • Execute seven PrimeTime commands and two custom procedures to trace from the warning to the cause and explore objects in that path
  • Systematically debug scripts to eliminate obvious problems using PrimeTime
  • Independently and fully utilize check_timing and report_analysis_coverage to flag remaining constraint problems
  • Identify key pieces of a timing report for debugging final constraint problems
Audience Profile
Design or Verification engineers who perform STA using PrimeTime
To benefit the most from the material presented in this workshop, students should have:
  • Have taken PrimeTime 1
Possess equivalent knowledge with PrimeTime including:
  • Script writing using Tcl
  • Reading and linking a design
  • Writing block constraints
  • Generating and interpreting timing reports using report_timing and report_constraint commands
Course Outline
Unit 1: Tools of the Trade
  • Lab 1 A Guided Tour of the Tools of the Trade
  • Lab 2 Choose the Correct Command and Apply It
Unit 2: Complete Qualification of PrimeTime Inputs
  • Lab 3 Find and Debug Potential Constraint Problems
第四階段 TetraMAX 1
?????? In this two-day workshop, you will learn how use TetraMAX? the Synopsys ATPG Tool, to perform the following tasks:
  • Generate test patterns for stuck-at faults given a scan gate-level design created by DFT Compiler or other tools
  • Describe the test protocol and test pattern timing using STIL
  • Debug DRC and stuck-at fault coverage problems using the Graphical Schematic Viewer
  • Troubleshoot fault coverage problems
  • Save and validate test patterns
  • Troubleshoot simulation failures
  • Diagnose failures on the ATE
This workshop includes an overview of the fundamentals of manufacturing test, including:
  • What is manufacturing test?
  • Why perform manufacturing test?
  • What is a stuck-at fault?
  • What is a scan chain?
?????? This workshop also includes an overview of the Adaptive Scan and Power-Aware APTG features in TetraMAX?
At the end of this workshop the student should be able to:
  • Incorporate TetraMAX?ATPG in a design and test methodology that produces desired fault coverage, ATPG vector count and ATPG run-time for a full-scan or almost full-scan design
  • Create a STIL Test Protocol File for a design by using Quick STIL menus or commands, DFT Compiler, or from scratch
  • Use the Graphical Schematic Viewer to analyze and debug warning messages from Design Rule Check or fault coverage problems after ATPG
  • Describe when and how to use at least three options to increase test coverage and/or decrease the number of required test patterns
  • Save test patterns in a proper format for simulation and transfer to an ATE
  • Validate test patterns using Verilog Direct Pattern Validation or MAX Testbench
  • Use TetraMAX diagnosis features to analyze failures on the ATE
Audience Profile
?????? ASIC, ASIC, SoC, or Test Engineers who perform ATPG at the Chip or SoC level
?????? To benefit the most from the material presented in this workshop, students should have taken the DFT Compiler 1 workshop or possess equivalent knowledge with DFT Compiler and fundamentals of manufacturing test including:
  • Understanding of the differences between manufacturing and design verification testing
  • Stuck-at fault model
  • Internal and boundary scan chains
  • Scan shift and capture violations
  • Major scan design-for-test rules concerning flip-flops, latches, and bi-directional/tri-state drivers
  • Understanding of digital IC logic design
  • Working knowledge of Verilog or VHDL language
  • Familiarity with UNIX workstations running X-windows
  • Familiarity with vi, emacs, or other UNIX text editors
Course Outline
  • Introduction to ATPG Test
  • Building ATPG Models
  • Running DRC
  • Controlling ATPG
  • Minimizing ATPG Patterns
  • Writing ATPG Patterns
  • Pattern Validation
  • Diagnosis
  • Conclusion
第五階段 TetraMAX 2: DSMTest ATPG
TetraMAX 2: DSMTest ATPG
This workshop discusses at-speed faults and how to use TetraMAX for at-speed test. Topics include description, recommendation, and scripts of transition, small-delay defect, and path-delay fault model ATPG. Also covered are the Onchip Clock Controller (OCC) flow, which leverages the PLL fast clocks, and using PrimeTime to generate the necessary data for at-speed test.
Hands-on labs follow each training module, allowing you to apply the skills learned in lecture. Labs include: using PrimeTime to generate the necessary files for at-speed ATPG; generating the patterns for different fault models in Tetramax; and, finally, using VCS for simulating the patterns generated.
At the end of this workshop the student should be able to:
  • Describe the need for At-Speed testing
  • List the At-Speed fault models available
  • Describe the two launch techniques for at-speed faults
  • Successfully edit a stuck-at SPF file to suit at-speed fault model
  • Define the timing exceptions
  • Automate the process of script generation for TetraMAX, using PrimeTime. This script will take care of the false and multi-cycle paths
  • Modify a given stuck-at fault model script to run for an at-speed fault model
  • State the steps required to merge transition and stuck-at fault patterns to reduce the overall patterns
  • Automatically create scripts that can be used in PrimeTime to perform test mode STA
  • Describe the SDD flow
  • Describe the flow needed to successfully use the PLL present in your design to give the at-speed clock during capture mode
  • State the steps needed to perform path-delay ATPG
  • Understand the fault classification in path-delay ATPG
Audience Profile
Engineers who use ATPG tools to generate patterns for different fault models.
To benefit the most from the material presented in this workshop, you should: A. Have taken the TetraMAX 1 workshop. OR B. Possess knowledge in the following areas:
  • Scan Architecture and ATPG
  • Stuck-At fault model ATPG with TetraMAX
  • SPF file
Course Outline
Module 1
  • Introduction of At-Speed defects
  • Source of Test Escapes and chip failure
  • Requirements for At-Speed testing
  • Popular fault models for At-Speed testing
Module 2
  • Transition Fault model
  • Path Delay Fault model
  • At-Speed Fault Detection Method
  • Techniques to Launch and Capture a Fault
Module 3
  • STIL file
  • Modifications to STIL file for At-Speed testing
  • Generic Capture Procedures
Module 4
  • Timing Exceptions
  • Automated Way to Generate Timing Exceptions form PrimeTime
Module 5
  • TetraMAX Scripts for Transition ATPG
  • Design Guidelines
  • Flow Considerations and Requirements
  • Pattern Merging
  • Automated way to generate the scripts for PrimeTime to perform testmode STA
Module 6
  • What is a Small Delay Defect ATPG
  • How to use PrimeTime to Generate the Slack Data
  • ATPG Flow in TetraMAX
Module 7
  • Requirement of PLL for At-speed faults
  • The various clocks in PLL flow
  • Use QuickSTIL to generate the SPF
Module 8
  • TetraMAX scripts for Path Delay ATPG
  • Fault Classification for Path Delay Faults
  • Generating Paths for TetraMAX Using PrimeTime
  • Reconvergence Paths
  • Hazard Simulation
Module 9
  • Conclusion
  • Topics Covered
  • Fault model and Features of TetraMAX
  • Solvnet Resources



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