Design of ASIP DSP(Application specific instruction set DSP processors) |
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近開課時間(周末班/連續班/晚班): ASIP DSP 設計培訓班:2025年3月24日............................ |
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Design of ASIP DSP(ASIP DSP 設計) |
General CPU is converging and DSP has been diverging. We need more kinds of DSP processors for domain specific applications because we need high performance, low power, and low silicon costs the same time. If the volume is high, the design and prototyping costs are negligible.
To design ASIP DSP needs a special design methodology to get the right function coverage and right hardware and software partition. We can also get the chip to market in time if the methodology is correct. In this course, the design of ASIP DSP will be introduced from concept up to design decision and finally down to the micro architecture design. |
1. 引論
2. ASIP設計方法
3. 有限長數字信號處理
4. DSP處理器結構與微結構
5. 指令集設計
6. 編程工具設計
7. 處理器數據通道
8. 存儲器子系統
9. 處理器控制通道
10. 嵌入系統軟件設計
11. DSP匯編語言設計
12. 實例:浮點Audio DSP 設計 |