Be One Lab Functional Verification Methodology and Flow培訓班 |
入學要求 |
◆ 電路系統的基本概念。 |
班級規模及環境--熱線:4008699035 手機:15921673576/13918613812( 微信同號) |
為了保證培訓效果,增加互動環節,我們堅持小班授課,每期報名人數限3到5人,多余人員安排到下一期進行。 |
上課時間和地點 |
上課地點:【上!浚和瑵髮W(滬西)/新城金郡商務樓(11號線白銀路站) 【深圳分部】:電影大廈(地鐵一號線大劇院站)/深圳大學成教院 【北京分部】:北京中山/福鑫大樓 【南京分部】:金港大廈(和燕路) 【武漢分部】:佳源大廈(高新二路) 【成都分部】:領館區1號(中和大道) 【沈陽分部】:沈陽理工大學/六宅臻品 【鄭州分部】:鄭州大學/錦華大廈 【石家莊分部】:河北科技大學/瑞景大廈 【廣州分部】:廣糧大廈 【西安分部】:協同大廈
近開課時間(周末班/連續班/晚班): Lab Functional Verification:2025年3月24日............................ |
實驗設備 |
★實驗設備請點擊這兒查看★ |
曙 海 新 優 惠 |
◆在讀學生憑學生證,可優惠500元。 |
.質.量.保.障. |
3、培訓合格學員可享受免費推薦就業機會。 。專注高端培訓17年,曙海提供的課程得到本行業的廣泛認可,學員的能力得到大家的認同,受到用人單位的廣泛贊譽。 |
Be One Lab Functional Verification Methodology and Flow培訓班 |
What is functional verification and what is being verified
Formal Verification,Equivalence Checking,Model checking,
Functional Verification,Test Bench Generation
- Functional Verification Approaches
The Verification Process
Specification and Test Plan ((Specification->Features->Test cases)
Direct 、Direct-Random and Random Test Case
Advanced Verification Methodology
System//Chip/Module Level Verification
Behavioral Hardware Description Languages
Stimulus and Response
Generating complex waveforms,Self-Checking test benches,Complex
Response,Predicting the output
How to build reusable test bench
Test Bench Acceleration
Coverage Analysis in the Design Flow
Feature Coverage and Code Coverage (Line Condition Toggle FSM)
Coding Guidelines
Structure,Naming Convention,Comments,Syntax,Debugging
Simulation Management
Modeling reset,Writing Good Behavioral Model,Regression Management
Assertions Methodology
Formal Verification ((Design Rule Check)
Vector--based Verification
Memory Verification
Project Management and Verification Experience
Introduce the useful verification experience that have been
successfully used to produce one-passed ASICs,SoC,board,and
entire systems.
Verisity 's Specman e language
Verisity 's e VC(e Verification Component)
Verisity 's e RM(e Reuse Methodlogy)