- SOC的設計方法與實現
- 低功耗電路的特殊設計
- 各種運算電路、濾波電路的設計考量
- 調制解調電路的算法與設計
- 傅利葉變換電路的設計技巧
第一部分 - Introduction
- What is SoC? and why is it important for Wireless, why not use a DSP?
- Impact and examples of applications
- Tools and metrics for analysis of performance, cost and power.
- Impact on memory subsystem
- Exploration of architectural space and alternatives
- Design choices (algorithm mappings), pipelining v/s concurrent, test methodology
- Components of a wireless modem
Assignment: Analyzing requirements for a balanced design from a system perspective
第二部分 - Arithmetic Building Blocks and Fixed Point Arithmetic
- Representations and notations
- Fixed point arithmetic v/s floating point
- Adders:? RCA, CLA, CSA
- Multiplier designs: Booth recoding and low power implications
- Array multipliers using counters, impact on layout.? Pipelined designs.
- Modeling of finite register length effects
- Block floating point representations and Dynamic range
- High performance, low power arithmetic blocks
- Lab: verilog and synthesis of diff arithmetic blocks, +, *. Compare area v/s speed v/s power
第三部分 - Digital Filters
- Types of filters and their applications, decimation /interpolation.
- Spectral requirements, channel equalization and? inter symbol interference
- FIR filters
- IIR filters, numerical stability issues. Implications of pipelined performance of multipliers on IIR filters.
- Adaptive filters, Decision feedback equalizer
- Design and test tradeoffs
- Examples of High performance, low power? ???design and implementations
- Lab: Design filters (FIR, IIR, adaptive filters) for different constraints
第四部分 - Coding and Forward Error Correction
? - Forward error correction and it’s application in wireless modems
? - Convolutional coding and decoding (Viterbi algorithm)
? - Trellis coding (if time permits)
? - Turbo-coding and decoding
? - Design tradeoffs, ACS units, memory addressing schemes, scaling/wraparound, pipelining
? - Examples of high performance systolic design, low power designs and implementations
? - Lab: Design a viterbi decoder for a convolutional for 3G standard, implement a scaled down version of it.
第五部分 - Transforms – Fourier Transforms
- Applications : OFDM modulation in wireless systems (used in 802.11a and 802.11g)
- Discrete Fourier transform
- Applications
- Decomposition and the Fast Fourier Transform
- Variants and mixed radix transforms
- Memory architectures, addressing schemes, block floating point, pipelining
- Testing - Design of a FT block.
- High performance, low latency
- High performance, high throughput
- Programable
- Reconfigurable
Lab: Design and implement a butterfly unit, build a 16 point pipelined FFT block. Synthesize and analyze the timing and determine pipelining. Understand the contributions of the different components to gate count and power consumption.
第六部分 - System Design – Case Study
- The design of a communications system
- Wireless modem
- The implications of the various tradeoff.
- System constraints include multichannel, high performance design, single channel low power design, etc.
- Lab: Catchup
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