- 集成電路發展至今,全球的設計師都將面臨同一難題就是所謂的驗證夢魘(verification nightmare)每個超大規模設計中的驗證環節都將占用設計周期中多達70%的時間。因此隨著芯片設計的規模越來越大,結構越來越復雜,軟件仿真已越來越不能承擔當今設計驗證的任務。為此硬件加速和硬件仿真(ICE)技術已越來越多的得到各大設計廠商的認可。
section 1: hardware based verification introduction
- ASIC verification & position of hardware based verification
- the history,
- the current status,
- differentiates of hardware based verification methods
- the trend of the technology and methodology
section 2: detail description on each verification methodologies
- simulation acceleration
- emulation
- prototyping
- h/w s/w co-verification
- conclusion
demo :
An ARM7TDMI based demo is prepared to show the hardware-based
verification platform for SOC design. |